Other cell/world-related groups have a wide array of small to large values that are not Form IDs.Interior cells have a value of either 0 or 0xCCCCCCCC.Topic children have single-byte values or 0xCCCCCCCC.All top-level groups have a 0 here, with the exception of CELL, which can have a 1 in some add-ons.The values stored here are significantly different than those used in records and appear to be a 32-bit value rather than two 16-bit values. The high byte is the user id (if any) that currently has the form checked out.The low byte is the user id that last had the form checked out.Skyrim SE: Bits are used to represent each part, with a two-digit year: 0bYYYYYYYMMMMDDDDD.To derive the correct values, use the following formulae, where Y is the single-digit year, M is the month number, and HB is the high byte of the value: Lower values can be seen in Skyrim.esm, likely corresponding to older records held over from Oblivion where values of 1-12 represented 2003 (see the Oblivion version of this page for specifics). That value is offset, however, so the range is nominally 13-132, representing dates from January 20x4 through December 20x3. Skyrim: The low byte is the day of the month and the high byte is a combined value representing the month number and last digit of the year times 12.If you subsequently save, the group will be written without the ignore markings. In short, the label field of a group is not reliable. This mislabeling has no effect on record loading. The ignore flag interferes with what should ordinarily be in the label field (e.g., "HAIR" becomes "HQIR"). In the CK Details view, you can mark a group as ignored, but the CK ignores this setting and reads the group anyway.Format depends on group type (see next field). This is in contrast to records and fields, whose sizes do not include their header sizes.Size of the entire group, including the group header (24 bytes). In addition to this, subgroups for WRLD and CELLS provide some useful structural information (e.g., the division of cell data into persistent and non-persistent references). GRUPs are collections of records, and are used to improve scanning of files to make it easier to skip over records that the reading program is not interested in.